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Angrod (Years of the TreesFirst Age 455) was a son of Finarfin and lord of the Ñoldor. His name is rooted in the Sindarin word for iron.

Angrod was the elder brother of Galadriel and Aegnor, and the younger brother of Finrod Felagund. Together with Aegnor he held the highlands of Dorthonion against Morgoth. Aegnor and Angrod were both slain in the Dagor Bragollach.

His wife was Eldalôtë and his son was Orodreth. Angrod was thus the grandfather of Gil-galad, Orodreth's only son.

His name was a Sindarized form of his Telerin (Quenya) name Angaráto.


              Finarfin = Eärwen
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Finrod   ANGROD = Eldalôtë    Aegnor     Galadriel
       Gil-galad, last High King of the Noldor

Other Versions of the Legendarium

In the published The Silmarillion, Orodreth is given as Angrod's brother instead. This was an editorial decision by Christopher Tolkien which he admitted as a mistake.