Mythopoeic Literature Society

From Tolkien Gateway

The Mythopoeic Literature Society of Australia, was a Tolkien society and mythical literature society in Australia. This society was presumably an Australian counterpart of the US based Mythopoeic Society.

History[edit | edit source]

As of 2024, only scattered references to this society can be found.[1] It is therefore assumed that this society is now defunct. This society appears to have been active from the mid 1980s through the early 1990s.

Publications[edit | edit source]

This society published:

  • 1986: The Nameless Wood: Victorian Fantasists, their Achievement, their Influence: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Inner Ring, the Mythopoeic Literature Society of Australia, [July] 1986, University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W.[2]
  • 1992: Imaginings: the Eighth Annual Conference of the Inner Ring: The Mythopoeic Literature Society of Australia, the University of Queensland, July 5-9, 1992[3]
  • 1994: The Journal of Myth, Fantasy & Romanticism[4]
