Anar (dwarf)

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Physical Description
GalleryImages of Anar

Anar was one of the three Dwarves that accompanied Bilbo Baggins on his journeys after his birthday party.[1]

In the early writings of the chapter A Long-expected Party, Anar was given some dialogue and a bit more development. However he later changed his mind, and did not disclose his name in the book nor gave him any dialogue.


Anar, or Anarr, is a dwarf from the Dvergatal. His name most likely means "the Other" or "Starer".[2]


  1. J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Return of the Shadow, "The Second Phase: XIV. Return to Hobbiton"
  2. Chester Nathan Gould, "Dwarf-Names: A Study in Old Icelandic Religion", published in Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Vol 44 (1929), issue #4, pp. 939-967